Carretera Austral Bikepacking on a Brompton
Watch this travel movie about a Brompton Folding bike coping with the legendary rough roads of the Carretera Austral in Patagonia. Starting from the Chilean town of Coyhaique I headed south and after 575 kilometres crossed the border with Argentina to end my tour in the hiking mecca of El Chalten.
Watch the movie
A very nice video of your bicycle ride in Patagonia!
You write in your blog that Bronte was recalled from an early retirement due to delays in receiving a new bicycle. I guess your new bicycle is another Brompton?
Great that you could finish your ride before the corona virus problem became serious.
I also did a bicycle trip recently. Originally I wanted to ride only in Sicily and maybe Malta. I had to change plans because the corona virus situation became worse than I had expected, but I was lucky enough that I could continue travelling by bicycle until the end of my vacation:
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